Afghanite for Afghanistan's Infrastructures and Extractives
Afghanite Enters into Partnership with GTK (Geological Survey of Finland), AGS, and Kabul Polytechnic University to Improve the Exploration Capacity of Afghanistan
Posted in: September 21, 2019
April 2019; A MoU is signed in between GTK, AGS, Afghanite, KPU, and AFBC (Afghan-Finnish Business Council) in order to enhance the existing capacity of all parties in Afghanistan in mineral exploration related activities.
The MoU is a part of a project funded by Finland Ministry of Foreign Affairs and led by GTK. The project is a three years program which will cover all sort of activities from the planning workshops, field works, analysis, to reporting practices. Internship opportunities for the KPU students will be provided during all of the activities with prioritization of the females participation in the office and lab tasks.
This is the first ever project for capacity building which includes all of the stakeholders’ representatives (government, academia, and private sector). The cooperative approach of the project will create a trustful platform for further engagements of these stakeholders in the future which is very essential for success and effectivemess of the extractives sector in Afghanistan.
Afghanite is eager to put all of its capabilities at the service of this important project simultaneously with the usage of this opportunity for enhancing its knowledge and expertise.
Finland is one of the most advanced countries in the field of geosciences and the most detailed geological data set of the country is available for the users by GTK’s outstanding efforts.